
The little things




The little things in life are sometimes the most treasured & pleasurable. Sometimes life seems to chug along full pelt with no sign of any breaks or stop signs, and diverts us from what is important. Autumn/Winter is approaching & universally we agree on the pleasure of roaring fires, mulled wine, Christmas fairs, crunchy Autumn leaves underneath our feet and cold breath that emanates from cups of coffee/hot chocolate or tea. Sometimes a waddle outside in 3 pairs of socks, knee high boots, a top, a jumper and a parka is actually the most perfect thing. I appreciate every season as it comes around, and Summer this year has left me dumb founded with the glorious rays encouraging people out of their jeans into bikinis and swimwear, and into the sea! However Autumn will always have a special place in my heart, and so will the perks that come with the weather.

Sometimes I love nothing more than buying a brand spanking new notepad, with gorgeous aesthetics and crisp empty pages to fill with my messy handwriting. A milky but strong tea, with one sugar won’t leave my side, unless for a hot mulled wine that I get easily lured into. Autumn/Winter is about comfort; I still like to portray my personality and style through my clothes, but you cannot beat an oversized Tee and a comfortable pair of leggings to soothe and comfort yourself after the high heeled cleated sole memories of Summer.


My new favourite new mug to add to my ever growing collection is from ‘That Gift Site’. I have a soft spot for personalised items, but particularly when it comes to my blog. I have purchased a few pieces of jewellery relevant to my blog, but nothing seems more apt than aiding my hot drink obsession than a pretty little mug.


As I previously mentioned, there is nothing that beats a crisp, clear empty notepad, and this has to be my new favourite. Nikki Strange is stocked at The Little Deer and has an array of beautiful designs to choose from, so deciding on ‘The Northern Lights’ was a difficult decision. The pattern is beautiful, and despite never experiencing such a fantastic wonder it brings a little piece of it home for me. I am a daydreamer but usually my thoughts, ideas and poems don’t leave the world in my head, let alone get pen to paper. I am hoping to start channelling my thoughts into this notebook & sharing what’s going on in loopy-land.



What are the little things for you?


28 thoughts on “The little things

  1. Such a lovely post and so true! Its so important to just be grateful for the small things, i absolutely adore winter, despite the cold i just love all the things associated with it, especially wrapping up in dressing gowns slippers and blankets inside! Seriously just love the mug so much might need to get this for a birthday present haha 🙂 xxx


  2. i love the way you write, it’s like i’m reading a story! you should definitely jot down all your thoughts/poems etc, you’ve got a beautiful way of writing and it’ll only get better! and i agree with all the little sentiments of autumn; i love summer but autumn is so peaceful and relaxing to me. love the personalised mug too!


    • Such a lovely comment you have made my day, thank you sweetie! I am glad you love autumn too, our Summer has definitely been amazing & I hate to wish it away but it’s getting colder 😦 xx


  3. posts like this just make me happy, I love the photos for this too- need to check out the notebook want to see what other designs there are x


  4. Love this post, I’m so excited for cooler weather and I basically live in my PJs and t-shirts when I’m at home. Wish I could wear them out and about, but I’m pretty sure I’d get weird looks for wearing my red Mickey Mouse pants to buy groceries… definitely don’t want to end up on haha! Very cool mug btw, my sister got me one personalized with my name on it, it was so pretty but I broke it… oops.

    LOVE that notebook! There is nothing better than a new pretty notebook… sometimes they are so pretty though that I don’t want to “ruin” it by writing inside! lol kind of defeats the purpose of having a notebook but ah well, the pages are just way to nice to be ruined by my scribbles 😀



    • YAYYY me too, it’s all about the tracksuits and sweatpants hahah! I literally looked up that website as I didn’t know if it was real and OMG it is…you DEFO do not want to be on that sire hahaha!!!!! I also agree about the notebook, I have written on the first page and it feels SO wrong, I have really messy writing! xxx


  5. What a lovely post, and I agree with the message as well.. the little things really are the big things. I’m sort of infatuated with living a simple lifestyle; who needs to work long hours just to pay for a bigger house or more materialistic possessions that they really don’t need?! Why not spend more time enjoying the “little things” ? Spend more time with your family, your friends, doing the things that you truly enjoy doing!

    That notebook is gorgeous by the way, almost too pretty to write in!
    – Jenn from


    • I completely agree and think it’s a great ethic to live by! I find helping others so much more rewarding too!! And I wrote in the first page of the notebook and was like ARGH I’ve ruined it hahah!! xxx


  6. I have a collection of special mugs for my fave cup of tea, it is a little thing but a big happiness. Sitting with a cup of tea in the great weather we have had or snuggling and using the mugs warmth to feel cosy. I love all the seasons, Autumn is particularly beautiful. Indeed these are the big things. Jo


  7. “The Little Things,” “Simple Things” “Happy Things,” “Happy Little Things,”

    All of these are my favorite, favorite, favorite lifestyle posts to read. It gives me such a serene feeling reading about what tiny wonders people are enjoying and appreciating each day.

    That mug is so cute and I’ll definitely be adding it to my wish list!



Would love for you to drop your thoughts below xx